Cleanliness is Next to...
I was soooo very excited to get a package in the mail several days ago. The package was filled with little goodies. The kind of goodies that I desperately need in my possession.
You see, I'm a mess. Literally. In fact, I consider my level of art form.
These? My actual dirty dishes. As ART!! Heh.
My kids love this car. They love her so much that they named her. Yes, Bumper. So, when my bag of goodies arrived, my son leapt and screamed, "Oh yeah! These are for Bumper!!"
{You MUST go see the mom-friendly car cleaning products at Blink's website. Their slogo "Blink and its Done!" is perfect!}
I would like to tell you that the garbage bags (that come with a very cool hanger) and the spill remover wipes and the window spray are easy to use and convenient...but I have not yet had a chance to use them. children won't let me. The Blink products, all neatly placed in a blue bucket in the back of the car, belong to my children now. And Bumper?
I will let Lobito explain...
Me: So, how do you like the cleaning stuff for Bumper?
Lobito: "They {the Blink products} are super easy to use. I
wiped off the finger-prints from my baby brother and my little sister, and even
the stickers that the Bank Lady gave us. My baby brother likes to put
those on the windows. Oh, and my Mom's coffee drips in the (what's that
thing called Mom?) oh, the cup-holder-thingy. Is it okay if I say
that's really gross? Cuz, mom...that coffee was even STICKY...and there
was a quarter stuck in it...Me: Um. What else do you like?
Lobito: We can hang the garbage bags up and put all our garbage in
them. But, you can't put them by the baby, cuz he grabs them away...only
put them on the other side by Faffi. And, you can put everything in the
car. They have little holders, even. But I like them in the blue
bucket. Mom? Can I keep cleaning now?
So, there you have it. Easy. Convenient. Superior cleaning. You know what they say... from the mouths of babes!!
(So far he has cleaned Bumper every day. He asked if it could be his "chore." I couldn't refuse him!)