June 26, 2007

The 24-Hour Pharmacist

Parent Bloggers Network

Hi, my name is Bobita and I am a Google-addict.

(Hi, Bobita.)

Ah, it feels good to get that out into the open! I have heard that admitting you have a problem is the first step toward recovery... (One can hope.)

Within the past few months, I have been confronted with a number of Google-worthy ailments. Major Depression, Hypothyroidism, dying (er, DEAD) libido, arthritis in my freaking thumbs... Clearly, the Earth is tilted off its axis. (Why else would I be subjected to such a formidable array of health-related issues?)

Hmmm. What does Almighty Google say I must do in order to rid myself of these disturbing ailments?

Google said a lot. Google provided MILLIONS of answers. I clicked on the first 15 suggested websites for each ailment...and pulled myself away from the computer THREE HOURS later, somewhat wiser and certainly more TIRED!!

Enter "The 24-Hour Pharmacist."

This book is like Google on Crack. The information that took me THREE HOURS to uncover with Google? Was instantly at my GOOGLE-BLOODIED FINGERTIPS in The 24-Hour Pharmacist.

Some of my favorite chapters (already worn, with page corners folded over to mark their importance):
1: Overcoming Fatigue: From Stupor Woman to Super Woman
5: Antidepressants: Do you Need One to be Happy?
6: Frazzled, Frustrated, and Freaked Out: Coping with Anxiety and Stress
11: Monthly Madness: Cramps, Crankiness, and Other Hormonal Highs & Lows
15: More Jiggle, Less Joint Pain: What You Can Do About Arthritis

And, I have changed a number of things that have VASTLY improved my state of well-being and physical health over the past few weeks. Primarily, I have started taking the following supplements every day:
Gingko Biloba
Rhodiola Rosea
Omega oils

Turns out, most of my symptoms are related, interconnected. For instance, SAM-e boosts mood and energy, improves the performance of antidepressants, can decrease premenstrual hostility and irritability, and also decreases the pain and swelling in arthritic joints. Two/Three/Four birds, with one stone!! Gingko Biloba increases mental acuity and attention and also increases the blood flow to your "happy parts," thereby increasing libido. Rhodiola Rosea is and adaptogen and can calm you down, ease depression, beat fatigue and even help you sleep better. Omega oils improve just about everything and L-Tyrosine can improve mood and energy, suppress the appetite and improve thyroid function.

Based upon my symptomology, I might also benefit from Selenium, a B-complex vitamin and 5-HTP.

I love this book. Seriously. Not only has it successfully replaced my Google addiction (related to health conditions, body ailments, and treatments...otherwise, Google is still my drug of choice), it has given me the satisfaction of instant gratification with a healthy dose of humor from an author who is knowledgable and unafraid to be a little irreverent. In fact, I'm pretty sure that Suzy Cohen and me...well, we could hang out!! Knowing drugs the way she does...I bet she mixes a mean Mojito!

Hi, my name is Bobita and I'm a recovering Google addict. But, I'm an ACTIVE 24-Hour Pharmacist addict.

(Hi, Bobita... Hey, what does Suzy recommend for a bum knee? How about a limp noodle? What doe she suggest for my snoring, pig, S.O.B. husband?)

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